

stick figure swordsman

I'm Tanner.

A full stack developer with a passion for coding, learning, and writing.

Current quest: join an amazing team.

My Projects

Plan It For Me screenshot

A bootcamp final project, this app for lazy travellers uses APIs to design tailor made trips based on users' interests. Our team of four developers used Rails, HTML, CSS/Bootstrap, and Javascript. The biggest challenge was using 2 separate APIs (Amadeus and OpenTripMap) to get enough information on a location to display acurate and meaningful results. You can see our team speak on our bootcamp experience and present the project here:

Loan Me screenshot

Loan Me is an air-bnb clone for lonely people to schedule hangouts with users of similar interests. It was the first group project in my bootcamp, and presented many challenges in terms of work flow and coordination with team members. Technical challenges included setting up authorization for users to edit only their own profiles and leaving reviews for other users. The project used Rails, HTML, and CSS/Bootstrap.

A simple bug tracker solo project used to practice app design and database schema.

Inspired to develop a project by myself, this app was a tool for continued learning and practice for developing a business related product. This project is on hold, but had a great take away: how to identify critical vs. exciting, yet inessential, features for mobile first design. You can read more about why I chose this project in my blog down below.

About Me

Still reading? Thank you!

I recently graduated from Le Wagon's full-time Web Development Bootcamp (Bali Batch #649) and am now continuing my journey into the world of programming!

My current toolkit includes Python, Ruby on Rails, SCSS/Bootstrap, HTML5, and familiarity with Javascript, SQL, and GitHub version control. It's gratifying to see my skills strengthing every day and I plan to add Django to the list next.

Outside of coding, I enjoy travel, reading, games (board and video), and geeking out over nature and insects. So if you find a weird bug you want me to identify, please send a picture!

Want to know more?

My Writing

This blog documents my continued learning post-bootcamp.

6 October 2021 By Tanner

First off, I’m no designer. There are so many examples of beautiful web design out there, and this will not be one of them. That being said, I’m getting better.


30 September 2021 By Tanner

Who knew a stick figure would be the most difficult part of my portfolio. My site had just been deployed. I transformed the template...


14 September 2021 By Tanner

Did this potential new hire use a template, and not even code his own home on the internet from scratch?!


Contact Me

Interested in hiring me, collaborating, or telling me about a cool insect you found? Let's chat!

Cell // What's App

+1 815 236 6750

Email Me



Wonder Lake, IL.